Overcoming Anxiety in Social Situations

If you are usually more of an introvert in social situations, you may feel very uncomfortable – even anxious – when surrounded by extroverts. It’s not uncommon to feel a high level of anxiety in a new social situation, or when you don’t know anybody in the party. Still, there are several strategies for overcoming anxiety in social situations, and some can even ward off a panic attack. Many people who experience panic and anxiety attacks on a regular basis are vulnerable to feeling an uncomfortable level of anxiety in certain social situations. Instead of avoiding the event, there are

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How to Cure Social Anxiety When Starting a New Job

Starting a new job can be a nerve-wracking experience, and it will take a few weeks to adjust to the new environment and get acquainted with the people you work with. Many people experience a great deal of social anxiety when starting a new job, and if you’re already predisposed to anxiety or panic attacks, you may experience a higher degree of social anxiety during this stressful time. Fortunately, there are several ways to cure social anxiety and find some relief from the extreme levels of anxiety you experience when meeting your new colleagues and associates. I discuss some effective

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Do you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks while shopping, driving or at work?