Lower Anxiety by Raising Acceptance

One of the most effective ways to lower your anxiety is to increase your acceptance of it. Anxiety works like this. The more resistance you create towards it, the more anxious you feel. The friction of fighting against your anxious feelings fuels it on even further. Each time you think ‘I cant handle this anxiety! I can’t handle these bodily sensations’ the more fuel you toss on the fire. There is a way to reverse this and end the anxiety. You can do it by simply increasing your level of acceptance towards the anxiety you feel. Imagine for a moment

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Dealing with Intrusive Thoughts

For many people who experience panic attacks and anxiety on a regular basis, intrusive thoughts become a part of day-to-day life. What if I get a panic attack in the middle of the grocery store? Why am I worrying about such strange things? What if I lose control of mind? Intrusive thoughts can come and go all day long at the most random moments of the day and take their toll on your stress levels. You might have difficulty concentrating, and react with a jolt every time you think a worrying intrusive thought. Just remember that you are not losing

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Morning Anxiety? How to Enjoy an Anxiety-Free Morning

Many people who suffer from panic and anxiety attacks on a regular basis find that the simple act of getting up in the morning starts the cycle. The reason for this is because your body is coming out of sleep and any feelings of anxiety are exaggerated. Most of us are not ‘morning’ people, so when you add anxiety to the equation you can see why mornings are usually the most anxious time of the day for people with an anxiety disorder. Desensitizing your body from being in an anxious state takes a lot of time and patience, and there

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Anxious thoughts and the worry station

When your anxiety level is high any anxious thought you might have takes on a different intensity. For example a bizarre thought that would normally never cause you any concern starts to feel uncomfortable and leads to further anxious thoughts. The reason this happens is because your anxiety score is high and you are not feeling at ease with yourself. Compare that to when you are feeling relaxed and happy. In that situation anxious thoughts hardly make an impression and if they do, you have enough inner calm to dismiss them and move on without reacting in fear. Have you

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Why Distraction Helps Ease Anxiety

In order to quickly move away from generalized anxiety you need to throw yourself 100% into life. What is needed is to engage regularly in an activity that stimulates you, and holds your complete attention, something in which you can become completely absorbed. Something that distracts you is a very valuable tool in taking your attention away from the uncomfortable sensation of anxiety that may be lingering in your body. You see almost everyone with anxiety finds themselves getting a bit obsessed about how they feel at any given moment. The less preoccupied the person is, the more time there

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End Anxious Thoughts In 4 Easy Steps

After having visited my site I can almost imagine what your repetitive anxious thought might be. Maybe it’s a fear of: -a panic attack -never being free of general anxiety -a bodily sensation that worries you -a fear of losing control to anxiety My name is Barry Joe McDonagh and I have successfully taught thousands of people in over 30 different countries, how to end general anxiety and panic attacks. Whatever your particular fear is, I want to share some tips and techniques with you over the coming days that will not only help you end these fears but also

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Do you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks while shopping, driving or at work?