Identifying Common Anxiety Attack Symptoms

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When you’re experiencing anxiety and panic attacks on a regular basis, one of the most important things you can do is practice self-awareness. Being aware of the sensations and feelings you are experiencing can make anxiety and panic attacks that much more manageable, and you’ll be able to find ways to cope with the distressing feelings and experience once you acknowledge them.

The physical and mental manifestations of anxiety can take their toll on your body and mind, and can be very unsettling when they appear out of the blue. Some of the sensations can be addressed with medication, but there are healthy, drug-free approaches that can help you get better and enjoy a better quality of life. I talk more about healthy ways to handle anxiety attacks in my book, Panic Away.

For now, let’s take a look at some of the common anxiety attack symptoms.

Among the most prevalent symptoms and signs of an oncoming anxiety attack is a shortness of breath, or a tight sensation in the chest area. Other symptoms and signs of an anxiety attack include heart palpitations, sweating, feelings of choking, and feelings of unreality or being detached from yourself.

Many people also feel numbness or a tingling sensation in their extremities. Others have an intense fear of losing control or going crazy. Feeling dizzy, lightheaded or faint are also common side effects of an oncoming anxiety or panic attack.

Whatever the case may be, you can work on desensitizing yourself from these uncomfortable experiences, and eventually stop worrying about them altogether.

One of the best ways to deal with the feelings of being out of control, or managing those nerves when under stress or pressure, is acceptance. Acceptance immediately lowers your anxiety and places you back in your natural flow.  What we accept goes through a transformation and in this case the anxious bodily sensations are not allowed to escalate into a full blown panic attack.

You don’t have to fear anxiety attack symptoms and those uncomfortable sensations forever. There are several ways to overcome frequent anxiety and panic attacks, and look forward to a healthier life ahead.

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