Trigger Flow to end anxiety

Healing anxiety is really about moving from a very stuck state, (the vicious cycle of anxiety) back into a state of flow.

When you are in your natural state of flow, you feel much more like your old self again. You feel happy for no particular reason and are living very much in the present moment. Children playing are the best examples of this natural flow. I want to share an exercise on how you can move into this state of flow.

Trigger a State of Flow

1. Begin my placing one hand on your stomach and one on your heart. (If you are in a public place you can simply fold/cross your arms with each hand holding the side of your chest). This hand position creates comfort and aids the flow.

2. Become aware of where the anxiety is in your body. Wherever you feel it,  focus on that area and begin to mentally repeat the following:

1 and FLOW… 2 and FLOW… 3 and FLOW  4 and FLOW… etc …all the way to 10.

When you reach 10 say:


Then begin again.

1 and FLOW… 2 and FLOW… 3 and FLOW…  4 and FLOW… etc …all the way to 10.



Each time you say the word FLOW imagine a gush or wave of water is washing over and through the area that feels most anxious. The water is washing the stuck energy of anxiety away. One big wave each time you say the word FLOW.  Feel a release each time the water flows away…

You can visualize the water washing anyway you like. It can be down your body or out in front of you. The important thing is to feel that flow of water each time you say the word FLOW.

[Repeat the count 7 times in total]

1 and FLOW… 2 and FLOW… 3 and FLOW…  4 and FLOW… etc …all the way to 10. Then “I CAN HANDLE ALL THIS AND MORE! ” (x7)


3. Once that is done move your attention gently back to what you were doing.
As you do so, I want you to completely accept and embrace all the feelings of anxiety that arise for the next 30 minutes.

You have triggered a flow but that flow is only sustained by your ability to now accept the anxiety fully without wishing for it to be gone.

The anxiety is slowly releasing and you are are going to feel different  sensations as it releases more over the next half hour.

If you stop accepting it, or get frustrated that your anxiety is still there, you will break the flow.

So the key to getting a good result is to totally embrace and accept all the  feelings of anxiety they present themselves. Are you willing to give that a go for just 30 minutes?

You are going to take anxiety by the hand, wherever you have to go, -be it out shopping, to a work meeting or just while you spend time at home.

By not pushing anxiety away, you stop the internal conflict. You flow instead of resisting and that’s when your mind and body click into greater harmony.

Ready to get into your flow?

Try the exercise now for the next 30 minutes and post your comments below.




  • Liz Reply

    Your e-mails are really helpful, but what do you suggest for dealing with a panic attack while driving in traffic?

  • Nour Reply

    It’s a relaxing exercise.
    While repeating the word “FLOW” I couldn’t stop my tears.

    My panic attacks occur usually during the day time when I have a day off and during the weekend. They are triggered by a particular situation (When I am napping). Every time I try to nap and as soon as i strat falling asleep I wake up with fast heart beats.

  • Robert ODonnell Reply

    I am not going to publish my website information on this forum; however I am the Author of Agoraphobia 101. A self help book I wrote 30 years ago. I am truly glad (judging by the testimonials) that you are helping so many sufferers. I do not agree with all you promote i.e. that all is curable? But helping others should be the ultimate goal. You do not easily change a panic sufferer (after brain scar tissue) has caused repeated attacks, at least not someone who this has been happening to for 35 years. I will agree certain methods can work on new or newer sufferers.

  • painter Reply

    If i am going to travel the anticipation makes my anxiety start is there any thing i can do for this

  • lama Reply

    i imagine like anxiety is a little friendly alien. I am going out with him hand by hand and in the moment of truth he is trying to scaring me. But this is impossible because i accepted to be together with me. he can’t do me anything. it’s only a bluff an illusion, nothing else.

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Do you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks while shopping, driving or at work?