Why Distraction Helps Ease Anxiety

In order to quickly move away from generalized anxiety you need to throw yourself 100% into life.

What is needed is to engage regularly in an activity that stimulates you, and holds your complete attention, something in which you can become completely absorbed.

Something that distracts you is a very valuable tool in taking your attention away from the uncomfortable sensation of anxiety that may be lingering in your body.

You see almost everyone with anxiety finds themselves getting a bit obsessed about how they feel at any given moment. The less preoccupied the person is, the more time there is to obsess over anxious sensations.

I am sure you have noticed that when you are doing something you enjoy or that really holds your attention, the less you ‘check in’ to measure your anxiety level.

Quite simply, the more you engage with life the less stagnant and anxious you will feel.

Some of the possible activities that interest you could be:

Gardening, playing a musical instrument, sport, or simply having a good conversation with a friend. The idea here is to find something that you can repeat on a regular basis that you enjoy doing or that at very least holds your attention.

If you find you have too much time on your hands and are having problems coming up with something you could do then I recommend you volunteer in a local voluntary scheme. It could be anything from helping the elderly, looking after animals or environmental conservation.

If you can spare even one or two hours a week for such work, not only will you feel your self-esteem improve, but it will help shake off any lingering feelings of isolation or loneliness which are so often accompanied by anxiety.

One thing you can be certain of is that there is some organization near you crying out for a volunteer just like you to assist them with their work.

The art of distraction has always been used to help people refocus and avoid concentrating on whatever physical or emotional discomfort the person is going through. It may just be the caring friend who invites their recently heart broken roommate out on the town to have some fun.

Dentists and doctors use distraction techniques frequently to distract the patient from a physical discomfort they may be experiencing, by giving them something else to focus on (usually the bill).

The purpose of using distraction, for people who want to live anxiety free, is to have new experiences that take the person’s mind off the anxious feelings they have been experiencing.

If you imagine that all the fearful anxious thoughts that go through your mind are like a roll of film being run through a film projector (your mind) and out into your life. Concentrating on some activity immediately cuts the film and brings you directly into the here and now.

When you are fully engaged with life there is no room for any anxiety disorder. This mental space you create enables both your body and mind time to become less sensitized to the anxiety.

By doing something you enjoy and feel you are good at, helps build new competencies. You are saying to yourself that the anxiety path is not one you want to travel down anymore and that you will put your focus elsewhere.

The more time you give to following these rewarding pursuits, the easier it is for your body to relax and return to a natural state of peace.

Combine this with my ONE MOVE technique and people often look back weeks later and wonder if it was really them who was so anxious all the time. Note, it normally takes a few weeks to reduce feelings of general anxiety. That is the standard amount of time to come back to feeling more yourself.

Let me remind you that I am here to work with you if you want to learn more about my course and the One Move technique which has turned so many peoples lives around.

I’m so confident that my program will help you conquer your anxiety, that I offer a 8 week trial. If you do not benefit from the course you can have your money refunded immediately.

My course Panic Away has proved highly successful with both long and short term sufferers of panic attacks.

Click here to learn more about Panic Away

Here is an example of how the course has helped others.

Hi there. Just a quick note to say thank-you. I’ve struggled with panic attacks for the past 31 years. I’m very happy that I kept looking! More than happy actually – my life is changing daily as it all comes back together again.

Thanks again, R Edington


“Thank you, I just read this book and already I feel more confident. I’ve read and bought other panic solutions and this one finally taught me how to accept the anxiety and panic in a way I could understand. I wish I’d known about this when I was a teen-ager. Anyway I feel better just knowing about this technique. Thank you again for caring about people.

P.S. I can’t believe this valuable information costs so little, I bought one program for almost $300.00
R. J – .Woodbridge, Suffolk.


…I encourage you to take a chance with this course. As a former sufferer I would not pretend to have a solution if I did not honestly believe it could be of great benefit to you.

Together we can get you truly panic free.

P.S. Additional bonus- I am currently offering an opportunity to people who purchase the program this month, to have free one to one sessions with me so that I can ensure you get the results you need. All I ask is that should you feel the course has been of tremendous benefit to you that I add you to a database I am currently updating of success stories.

I hope this information has been helpful to you.

Barry Joe McDonagh

Panic Away

All material provided in these emails are for informational or educational purposes only. No content is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition

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  • Kayla Schryer Reply

    I’ve been constantly suffering from panic attacks since I was 19. I am now going on 23, and my panic attacks are still quite the thing to deal with. I have a border less imagination, and its always felt like I have three stages of thought going through my mind at all times, so it is hard to focus.
    My main problem with panic attacks is the feeling that The next one will be the one to send me into the mental hospital. I lose control and need to focus better!
    I would do anything to rid myself of these and just be that outgoing person again.
    After reading this I am more confident and will try the sleep exercise more often.
    I know this is curable and all in my head!!
    I hope as the new year comes, I can just live life!! and have healthier relationships with those around me, and myself.

    Thank you for everything.

  • Holly Reply

    I have noticed that at times when I am extra busy in general (takes college courses and have other activities going on) I am less anxious. It’s almost like I don’t have time to think about my anxiety. I agree that distraction is a great tool! This and all the other articles and videos, etc. have been so helpful and I am excited that I will conquer this without medication!!!

  • Lanie Reply

    Hello,, Dr. Barry.. someday I’ll have dollars and i can purchase your program.. thank you really for bringing back my happy life.. God bless you always… Now,,, both of us can smile and laugh the whole day ,,, ☺ !!!! take care…

  • AJ Reply

    Those are the times that I forget I ever had an issue with anxiety. Moments of peace in what seemed like a hell on earth existance. This along with the other mini courses have helped dramaticly, I thought there was no coming back from the damage of anxiety but Barry has givin me something I havent been able to find “Hope”. I now know once the panic away program is in my possesion there will be no stopping me from reclaiming my life back. Thank you!

  • davey Reply

    i like all the coments of other people.i started to feel a bit confident.i know that it will take me some times and i need to be more strong,

    • Roisin Mc Phillips Reply

      Like many other subscribers I have been suffering from anxiety issues for the last twenty years. I am so glad that I kept looking. I have spent a fortune on other books, hypnosis etc but have never yet got to the point that I understood my anxiety and was able to move forward. I particularly found the morning writing invaluable it helped clear my mind before troubled thoughts got hold. Many thanks

  • argiel Reply

    hi…thank you for sending me the mini course on anxiety. I’ve been suffering from anxiety for over a year now. And i struggled to exist in my work…the important words i have learned? LEARN TO FACE THE FEAR…..with your suggestive measures and my belief to the Creator, i am sure that i can fully get rid of it. More power and God bless……..

  • Jeff Yehia Reply

    I am now feeling very good these days thanks to your course and the process to eliminate the GAD has started. My problem started from a traumatic experience in late Oct 2009 so it wil take time. The issure keeps running through my head so staying business will work but that is easier said then done…


  • soyel Reply

    Thank you so much! You are like the light at the end of the tunnel. Once we are able to sort ourselves financially I hope to be able to purchase your book.

  • Sangita.kapoor. Reply

    I cant say how much this has helped me,jst waiting for my fianances to get back to normal.so that i can buy the book.thankyou.

  • Barbara Reply

    I just received the Panic Away course and read through it yesterday and can’t believe how much it has helped to change my anxiety. This book is a God send. Thanks so much for your incredible advice…Over the years I’ve had a fear of doctor visits because everytime I went my blood pressure would elevate and they would make a big deal of it. I would take my BP at home and it would be normal but could not convince my doctor. Now that I read through your course I feel I have a form of social anxiety which makes me feel embarrassed that everyone sees how nervous I am when my BP surges when I’m in a medical situation.

  • Michael mitchell Reply

    Barry add me to your list -this stuff works. Could sit here and give 25 reasons to buy this but easier to just tell them “”THIS DOES WORK IF YOU OPEN YOUR MIND AND LET IT FREE!!””

  • Dorine Reply

    I received your Panic away course and i read this yesterday,,,thanks po” and you are patient to have cure those anxiety disorder of so many people. You know from almost 23 years i experienced how being nervous to communicate and to mix among others and feeling lonely at all times.Now i thank you because it works! All you sent through email are very successful to me…i feel now comfortable and even if i’m not fully confident its only a little bit of anxiety i experienced now not like before. I do now OBSERVE, TRUST, and MOVE to continue my convalescence because its a long time before i feel like free from worry and become confident.

    Thanks again,

  • Wilma Reply

    I want to thank you so much for your help. you are an angel sent from heaven, since I lost my husband I have been a basket case, with the anxiety, I was so sick and passing out the whole thing, but I purchased your program, and the min I received it I got right into it, , and I can’t tell you how much better I am, I’m a new person, every now and then It trys to get me again but I block it out. thank God for you. your friend forever. god bless you for helping all of us. thanks again….. Wilma.

  • carol cresser Reply

    Hi All i have read all your letters & Barry’s emails and yes you are all right, the techniques used are very very helpful. I’ve only just started after coming across Barry’s Panic Away by accident i just feel it was meant to be. He definitly is an angel in disguise thankyou so so much love to all and Goodluck to everyone going through this horrible experiencexxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Kojo Reply

    Hello bro, you really enlightened me. i had a friend who had anxiety disorder, he use to examined himself alway complaining but as soon as he entered the university all his anxiety left. so distraction really works. thanks!

  • De Reply

    I have`nt tested my biggest fear yet (driving in highway traffic) But my heart dos`nt shake like it did, And I kept thinking i was in for a big heart attack. Life in general is much better. It`s also good to know I`m not the only one on this planet with panic attack problems.

  • Lynn Reply

    Thank you so much Barry, your Panic Away book has really helped me. I have suffered from GAD and panic attacks for over 30 years and have tried everything including therapy. Your book proved to me that my last set back was just that, a set back and nothing to worry about. And yes I agree with distraction, it is the key to feeling better. I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to read Panic Away….in fact, I printed out the ebook and put it in a black 3 ring binder…it is now my “bible” so to speak….if I’m feeling anxious, I know it’s there for me to read over again, I take it to work with me and it helps just to know that it’s there.

    I’m not 100% back to feeling good, but it’s only been a few weeks and I can tell a big difference, I am still anxious at night to try to wind down and go to sleep, shortness of breath, but I have watched your videos and they help alot, Thank you Barry, you are a wonderful person!

  • JoeAnn Crutcher Reply

    I enjoyed this very much–you are giving me hope—how do I get the book?–I am 76 and have a genetic history for this from my mother.—

    JoeAnn Crutcher

  • mary lou Reply

    You have helped me so much. i really appreciate the valuable information you have given me. i can see that my life has emproved so much.in these few weeks. i amm pretty much back to normal now. thanks to people like you who care and also my God.

  • Graham Hachey Reply

    Your videos have been an inspiration to me. I once tried to jump off a building (8 fl). But didn’t. I think yo u are helping me a great deal. after listing to you on video yesterday, I slept like a in a coma. No bad dreams and woke up with a smile on my face. Thank you for taking the time to help us all who feel like this.

  • darshani dissanayake Reply

    Thank you so much .God bless you

  • Boyet Rivera Reply

    thank you very much. may God bless u always.

  • bamaprasad Reply

    Many of us will remain grateful to you for such very very valuable advices which are more than anti-depressant medicines. I feel indebted to you. May God always be with you. Love Bamaprasad.

  • gwyneth Reply

    just reading your mail is so easing as i have suffered panic i realise most of my life and it as held me back
    .i stopped antidepessants and the relief is so much better to feel in control. i still have a way to go but i am now more confident.. thankyou

  • Christine Ross Reply

    I would like to thank you for providing me with this wonderful knowledge that you have given me.I’ve only suffered from anxiety for a couple of years,but I will tell you,my world was turned upside down.With your course and techniques I’ve learned to overcome anxiety.You have given me my health,self esteem, self respect and the most joy back into my life and I would like to thank you so very much,you are certainly an inspiration to me…..thank you.

  • Jessica Reply

    I just want to say thank you so much for sharing your secrets. I have suffered from anxiety for the past few months, which they think was from a battle with lyme disease that I had. Prior to all of this I was a very outgoing “social butterfly”. I had my first two panic attacks in the car, and a severe phobia of driving came of it. I had to take a medical leave from work and have just recently got back behind the wheel and went back to work very part time! I still have a hard time going into stores or crowded places alone. But overall can feel my body “relaxing” a little more everyday. It’s true accepting my condition and not fighting it anymore has been the key to my progress. I know I have a long way to go, but have confidence now to keep moving ahead with this. I strongly suggest getting involved in some yoga classes to also help with relaxing your body and mind. Thanks again!!

  • sam Reply

    hi barry,
    you have been of great help to me with the programmes you’ve been sending to me for free,thank you..my ordeal started last year june when i suddenly stopped smoking marijuana…i started having cold feet and hands,then it got worse to the extent i got deppressed.i have series of symptoms like,pin n needles,muscle trembling,tingling and crawling sensations etc.been on antidepresant for the past 8months,i am now been taking off the drugs gradually by my doctor when i reliased the is no magic cure.i have learnt alot from other atticles and you,been putting everything into practise and its working.i see light at the end of the tunnel.finance is what is disturbing from buying you panic away but pls don’t relent in sending me does short programmes its helpful and i appretiate it.please i have not started to decrease my sleeping pill which i have been taking for 8months cos my doctor said good sleep is really gonna help me get better fast..what do u think…i take mirtazapine 30mg thx

  • hetty Reply

    i cant believe this .it looks as if I’m completely cured.though I’m scared of having one .please i need more of your news letters to enable me put my life under control.I’m in a state of happiness now.i really appreciate what you’ve been doing for us.thanks barry

  • leyanne Reply

    hi barry. jus wanted to say thank you so much for all the emails u sent me.what u say really does work.i feel like my anxiety is 99% better.i jus still get chest pain alll the time especially when i wake in the morning its like a tightness around my chest and twinges.how do u eliminate this?is this common?

  • Monique Reply

    Hi Barry,

    I thankyou so much for all your wonderful newsletters. I am on the road to recovery and am doing things that I thought would never be able to again…..The only problem I have now a day before I have my period I feel immense dizziness and expirience a elevated blood presure…my doc says it will go away once I’m fully recovered..Thanks and GOD bless.

  • Mukunzi D Reply

    You can not what great impact your program had on my life. I used to experience with panic attacks, but now I feel free in my life to express my self and I am performing my studies in every good environment. Your program is excellent I am feeling its impact

  • bernadette Reply

    I am from Kiribati, a flat coral atoll of 32 islands in the central pacific ocean. my first panic attack experience happened two years ago. However, this programme greatly helps me. The experience of settling more and more as days go by is so great. I am greatful for the articles I continually received and also the comments that are so positive and encouraging. Thank you Barry and I wish you a very happy christmas and a prosperous new year.

  • Angela Reply

    Barry, you are an angel. You have given me hope that I could live a normal life again… And you are absolutely right. I feel like I am finding the brave woman I used to be! I am now confident about dealing with panic attacks or GAD which has tremendously reduced their occurrence. I also love that you send us e-mails to keep us commited to our recovery. Thank you so much!!

  • kitten Reply

    Thanks do much for your help with these panic attacks. aaaaaai didn’t think I could go on living any longer,at the time I found your program.When I feel an attack, I run to the computer and listen to the 21-7. That makes me feel much better. I haven’t had the nerve to come off my medicine yet. I have the peogram on mp-3 player to carry with me. I’m too afraid to come off the meds and make sure the program is all I need. Those attacks are the worse things I’ve ever been through. I know I’ve got to quit the meds, but how do your build up enough courage to do that. I don’t hardly leave the house now, for fear someone will dee me have one.And of course, they look at you like you are crazy. A nd qiute frankly they are embarrasing.I want to trust the program completely, I guess I’m just not there yet. Biy I thank GOD and Barry for the program.

  • Mike Reply

    Hi Barry, just had to comment because what you said is actually happening with me at the moment.
    I picked up an old hobby of mine and it made me so much better. (I couldnt do any hobbies in the beginning!)
    I had troubles in the beginning that the void in my life made me only thinking about my GAD. Which offcourse made it all worse.
    I only noticed that these activities can be really close to obsessive which brings its own problems. (lol)
    For now I am just happy that I have something I enjoy which makes me less anxious and occupied/distracted. I hope that my body and mind will get used to this calm feeling again 🙂

  • G Edwards Reply

    I would like to thank you for having all the info to understand and techniques to deal with my GAD I resume he’d a lot of medical avenues and did not find enough info to begin to understand let alone bring this condition to a halt till I subscribed and read your book thank you very much

  • carrie Reply

    i’ve been suffering from anxiety , panic attacks & depression for 19 yrs. was doing ok on meds. but, doctor found out i was drinking while taking them so, he wouldn’t give me those ones anymore and gave me something else which didn’t help so just quit taking anything. a friend gave me a couple of klonipin which is what i was taking before but, for some reason i’m scared to take any meds anymore., so i bought this program, it’s working a little sure it would work great if i would just put my whole heart into it. NEVER been committed to anything so its really hard. haven’t really been having panic attacks but the racing thought are still driving me crazy and i know you’re suppose to face your fears in the face but i dnt leave my house , so its really hard. have sisters but not really any friends, haven’t even had a boyfriend in years anytime a guy would even try to talk to me i would just push them away………wanna get better….hate living like this. trying to have a open mind, anyone who think they can relate, i would love to hear from you and Barry i’m sure this program really works i just think i need a little push and definitely need a support group.
    thank you so much ,

  • steven reissner Reply

    15 11 13


    I also had problems facing so called racig thoughts but was told by my therapist that these are symptoms that can be safely ignored and i was suffering from anxiety also – of course, the diagnosis has to be correct, and if you feel you need medication then go to another doctor so that at least you have a safety valve in the form of medication when you need it most: also the newer antidepressants called ssri e.g. escitalopram which also comes in liquid form, has been found to be very useful – I belive under the name of sertraline. at least that is the name in europe. it may have sideeffects at first which go away after about 14 days. while you start on that its alo a good idea to be able to use e.g. xanax or small doses of ativan to make everything easier.

  • K.G. Reply

    I’m glad you wrote about how distraction can be useful! I think your program is great, but the one thing I think should’ve been mentioned in your book is “distraction”. Claire Weekes called it “occupation” & it’s so vital to recovery. As long as you’re not trying to distract yourself out of fear, but from understanding that you need to give your mind a break from all of the anxiety & replace it with “healthy” activities. It goes along with what you’ve said about getting your mind out of the way, so your body can heal.
    Thank you for a wonderful program! It’s the best-written, most relatable (other than the Claire Weekes books) anxiety self-help that I’ve seen. You obviously have a great understanding of the subject. I love how simple (no writing exercises or difficult CBT practices) & straight-forward your approach is. It’s also helpful that you describe not only how to do your program, but what to do for each symptom. Keep up the good work!

  • Susan Reply

    Thank you I’ve been reading and trying to obsorve it all. Haven’t figured out how to make it work yet but hoping…

  • steven reissner Reply

    May 26,2012
    kitten @ 8:48 pm

    you dont come off medication quickly ever. discuss with the doctor first as to how fast you must proceed. and with what substance if there are several the usual course is midday meds first, morning meds last and slow reduction of evening meds – you can alwqay return to them if need be remember.

    discuss with the doctor how fast to proceed. you can always return to them if need be and have ready maybe a dose of xnax or similar and see the doctor first. make up a phone appointment as well so you can phone when necessary.

  • Tania Bradshaw Reply

    I wanted to ask a question regarding “Get your anxious mind out of the way” . I read your article and thought is was fantastic but what really happens to me is I go into this mind daze (if that makes sense) and I cannot get my mind out of the negativity and I am just focused on the bad thoughts – one that really is bad “I cant breathe”, this seems to send me into the highest of anxiety that I have had to deal with. Once I get in this then its all over for me. Just recently I was in this zone for over 3 months and could not shake it until I started listening to your book “dare”. This did help me a lot but I still need to know how I can stop myself from entering this most debilitating zone. Just some ideas would be fantastic.
    I would like to thank you for all the emails that are sent to me on a regular basis, this is such an incredible site.

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Do you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks while shopping, driving or at work?