Gratitude Lifts The Weight of Anxiety

Let me tell you why the art of gratitude is such a great tool for ending anxious thoughts.

A lot of people write telling me how their anxiety makes them feel very cut off or removed from the world around them. This sensation can be distressing as people fear that they will never be able to feel normal again.

This feeling is common and in my experience is mainly fueled by a cycle of anxious thinking.

A person with a panic disorder or a generalized anxiety disorder will spend much of their day mentally “checking in”.

Checking in is a term I use to refer to how people with anxiety constantly monitor their mind and body.

“Am I feeling ok?” “How are my thoughts ?”

“Am I feeling secure or on edge right now?”

The reason regular checking in happens is because anxiety has such a powerful effect on the mind and body.

People tell me that they can deal with the anxious bodily sensations but it is the anxious mind that causes them most distress. That is what I want to address today.

Anxiety can often feel like a thick fog has surrounded your mind. Nothing really seems enjoyable as you are always looking out at the world through this haze of anxious thoughts and feelings. This fog steals the joy out of life and can make you feel removed or cut off from the world.

The anxious thoughts act as a barrier to experiencing the world and this sensation of separation then leads to feeling even more upset as you fear losing touch with yourself.

So how do you get this anxious fog to lift from your mind?

When someone is very caught up in anxious thoughts they are top heavy so to speak. The constant mental activity they are engaged in has caused an imbalance where all of their focus is on their mental anxieties.

A powerful way to move out of this anxious mental fog is to switch your focus from your head to your heart.

By simply making a deliberate shift of attention to your heart you will find the anxious thoughts dissipate more easily and the mental fog starts to gradually clear.

You can make this switch by practicing the art of gratitude.

I am sure you have heard of people speaking about the art of gratitude and the benefits it can bring to you.

Did you know that it has now been scientifically proven that regular practice of gratitude can dramatically change your bodies chemistry giving way to a more peaceful body and mind.

The Heart Math Institute has 15 years of scientific research proving that a simple tool like the art of gratitude can dramatically reduce stress and improve performance for individuals and organizations.

Many Fortune 500 companies are now starting to use this technique to reduce work related stress.

I am going to outline the technique briefly in a very straight forward exercise so you can start practicing right now.

When you practice this exercise you will feel a lightness and greater sense of perspective on any matter that has been troubling you. This activation of your heart emotion will lift the sensation that anxious thoughts create.

This is a very simple exercise but it is really powerful. Print it off and try it someplace where you can be alone.

Are you ready?

-Begin by closing your eyes and moving your attention to your heart area.

-Imagine a feeling of warmth emanating from the center of your chest.

If appropriate place your right hand there. If you are around people or driving etc. simply imagine your right hand resting on your heart area.

Imagine this area glowing warmly for one to two minutes.

-Now, begin to focus on something in your life that you feel a genuine sense of appreciation for.

This can be one or more things that you really appreciate having in your life (e.g., family, health, friends, work, your home, a beautiful day etc).

It is important to focus on things that spark a real sense of gratitude and appreciation. If you really appreciate the thing you are thinking about, you will immediately feel a response from that area by way of a light warm sensation in your chest or an involuntary smile (remember those).

It does not really matter what you think about as long as it evokes this feeling of warm appreciation from your heart area.

Don’t struggle with this exercise. Everyone has something they can be grateful for. (Remember, the cemetery is full of people who would love to have your problems!)

Do not worry if you are thinking of your partner/family and you do not feel this. Some days it will be people close to you that will spark the heart feeling, other days it may be gratitude for very simple things like the fresh air you breath. It depends on the mood you are in, -remember it is the feeling you after.

The feeling we are looking to achieve is unmistakable, it is a positive change in your emotional state.

I say it is best to do this exercise alone because you will need to stay with this feeling for as long as you can.

Then, when you feel you have taken it as far as you can, open your eyes.

There is no time frame on this exercise, it can be a few minutes to half an hour. Again it is about establishing a heart/mind connection and getting your awareness out of the anxious thoughts and more into your body.

After a few attempts you can incorporate this into your daily routine.

Do it in the car. Do it sitting at your desk. Do it before you sleep at night.

You have to practice it frequently. Just like a muscle your heart will get more accustomed to this state and you will be able to switch into that feeling in seconds.

With practice you can also use this exercise in the middle of any stressful situation. You will be surprised at the positive outcome in terms of your own stress levels and the change in others around you.

This simple exercise can completely transform the outcome of interacting with other people, be it work or personal relationships.

This is especially true where there is conflict or misunderstanding between you and other people. Try it out, see what happens!

Be creative with it and make it your own daily ritual for yourself.

I am sure you agree that it is a worthwhile exercise to incorporate into your daily life. It is my experience that most people do not have the patience or time to make major lifestyle changes. By using this one simple exercise you can make a dramatic improvement to the quality of your life.

The simplest things in life are free and this is one of those gems.

Don’t pass it up

Kind Regards, Barry Joe McDonagh

Learn more about Panic Away here:

All material provided in these emails are for informational or educational purposes only. No content is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition

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  • Ms Simpson Reply

    Thank God for you. I’d suffred many years and read this and the tears that had een bottled up finally came out. It’s like a new beginning for me. I’m happy you shared this with me and look forward to a brighter and better day. Praise the Lord and thank God for you and your program.


  • javedalikhan Reply

    All the confusion regarding tension is removing day by day .

  • kane Reply

    thanks sir i am feeling better.

  • dorne Reply

    Thank you so very very much-not one of my counsellors have ever used this technique and it truly is a gift from god.I first got severe panic attacks when i was 27 and didn’t know what it was-i thought i was having a heart attack and i was going mad-in the end i got a very good counsellor who helped me find the reason behind it all-my insecurity from my bad relationship-i slowly got better but recently in aug of last year it returned after the neighbours from hell moved in next door to me-playing loud music,arguing constantly and swearing and hitting each other and their child,just before this i lost my dog of 22 years to cancer as well so within wekks of these neighbours moving in i started getting the attacks-i am now staying at my mums house and reading the info you sent me helped me so much and i was getting over it but i had a setback last week-i started a new job and worked far too many hours on top of my other job and was rushing around everywhere-i came back to your course and it has given me the willpower and strength to get back on track and see things clearly again and i am going to keep applying everything you have said-i am so grateful to you and also knowing that many people on here have had them too and reading what they have written makes me somehow feel not so alone and in the fog-may you be blessed forever for what you do to help people-my deepest and sincere thanks.x

  • rashidah Reply

    Sir, thank you very much…. i am on lexapro and xanax and it seems that since i’ve been reading your emails, i am very sure one day i will not be taking those drugs anymore, less frequent dizziness and no more stress headaches nowadays and i am starting to enjoy my life….always looking forward to your emails……

  • hena syed Reply

    Sir Thank you very much.God bless you for the work you are

  • Dragana Reply

    Thank you so much. I am feeling much better and can’t wait to start a new life without fears.
    Looking forward to see your next message.
    Warm regards.

  • Colleen Passman Reply

    Receiving your e-mail everyday has really been helping me. When I read them, I feel the knot in my neck going away. I am so grateful that I found you.

    Thankyou so much.

    Colleen Passman

  • carole Reply

    hi i have only just started practicing the technics i am hoping with your help i will have normallity back in my life at long last thankyou

  • Saved Reply

    Thank you thank you thank you, and thank God for you, this is exactly what God has tought me to do, Im so happy to find this in your site also. Yes – be thankful, be grateful for even every little thing in your life. So it is, I feel very warm now and very very thankful for ALL the things and situations and people in my life. I feel so great now! 🙂

  • Kim Reply

    Thank you so very much for all this useful information. I am really starting to feel ten times better, and through your newsletters I am learning so much about finding inner peace.I am learning how to be panic free, and I truly believe that God has sent me to your site. Words alone cant not even begin to say how much I appreciate you and your site!!!

  • Mary Reply

    Thank you so much Barry for your wonderful insight and helpful information.
    It seems that I did not receive Lesson # 2 which may be about the 20 second exercise that
    people comment on .I would be eternally grateful if i could have a copy of this.
    I am hoping and praying that these exercises will get me out of this horrible anxiety I
    am living with.
    Do you have a printed book on your course and how might one get it.
    Again, a million Thanks and God Bless,

  • sunil Reply

    Simply great.I thank u for helping me to overcome my psychological imbalance and get rid of many negative thoughts.I wish u a healthy life-

  • DRE Reply

    The last few days ive been ready your emails and they have been helpful…..the icing on the cake is all the feedback you recieve is very conforting. Its weird how my ” bad feelings” go away… Thank you

  • Mrs T Davis Reply

    Dear Joe,I would like to obtain your book. Is it sold in Australia? Your letters are very helpfull,but i would like to read the book and several of my friends ,yours sincerely Teddie Davis.

  • Jon Allen Reply

    I was raised a Methodist, learned Transcendental Meditation, and now, the bare essence of all my prayers and meditations, the heart/gratitude exercise. I believe that no matter how a person expresses their own spirituality, it is tremendously beneficial, and one of the great losses of our modern times is the prevalence of regularly practiced spirituality. It is a cornerstone to spreading the peace that we as humans are capable of.
    Peace be with you.

  • Kay Reply

    Thank you. It may sound crazy but I am greatful for the panick attacks that I have been having. I am becoming more intouch with myself. Don’t get me wrong today when I went to the OB/GYN and had to have a biopsy i thought for sure I would have an attack. I have been using all of your techniques, they are a god sent as are you. I am greatful for people like you in the world. I wish for all of the people that open their hearts on your blog to be at peace. What helps me the most is not being afraid of the attack itself. Honestly If I feel it coming over me I welcome it and if I truly am welcoming it it NEVER happens. I don’t know if anyone has heard of taking vitamin b and staying ABSOLUTLY AWAY FROM CAFFIENE. I don’t know any of you, yet I know were you have been.

  • Geraldine Whiley Reply

    I cant believe it! I have been looking at these emails and thinking wow what sense they make. I too have suffered with panics attacks that became extremely intense after the birth of my second child 7 years ago. I have been on and off anti depressants in that time and recently had CBT which helped plus I have been studying for a contemporary Fine Art degree which has helped me feel more confidence and proud.
    I was doing well up until my dear sweet lovely Aunty Dolly died just the week before christmas which set me back and my panics returned. I had been so confident about travelling which had been a major problem (I could not even get on a bus or train Last year) that I booked a trip to New York with my University before she died. But now I was not so confident. She knew I was going to New York and was proud of me for doing so well. She had also suffered from panics. She was only 62 and had never been out of Ireland. We used to talk such a lot about everything and anything and now she is gone. I had some suggestion therapy and managed to get to New York with positive thinking and a Diazapan after a slight wobble on the way to Heathrow
    This email said that we should have gratitude and it helps so much. I often thank god for something as little as a car park space. I think of Dolly and I want to cry but I am so grateful that she was mine and she will always be in my heart. I have just noticed on my 6th email from you a connection with University in Galway Ireland which shocked me Dolly lived in Shantalla, Galway city It seems although she has died she chats to me still Thank you

  • Michael in Louisiana Reply

    I purchased PanicAway @ 2 years ago. When i first started it really opened my eyes and helped me to face this disorder called anxiety. I started daily devotions with my bible and began writing down my thoughts and feelings first thing upon awakening and i was feeling a new sense of empowerment … but … i stopped doing any of it, because i felt better. Now after having a panic episode on a recent flight i am right back to square one. I say all that to say this, do not stop fighting continue the healing process and do not do as i did and let your comfort zone fool you. I know how bad my anxiety and panic makes me feel and i also know as you will know, there is a number of ways out of this disorder and the first way out begins with YOU.

  • Janie Reply

    I will be incorporating this wonderful technique in my daily routine. I have tried it once and it makes you feel at peace within yourself which feels great.

    I have been doing this course for over a week and I feel better, more confident and I have cut down my Xanax 0.5mg to only 1/2 daily. I see my GP regularly so he can see how I am going.

    Thank you, once again, God Bless!
    Janie (Australia)

  • Joyce Reply

    I have been suffering from panic attacks begining of Year 2k. I really taught I’m going to die, Luckily I have good friends that help me through those difficult period. As my parents are not educated they taught I am having mental problems because each time the doctor said that I am perfectly fine.One of the physcologist recommned me to see the physcriatic and she gave me luvox. I stop taking when I got better but the attack can a second time so I continue with the medicine,
    Recently I got another attack and was send to ER and again doctor check my heart and said I am fine. Thats when I got fed up and check out the internet if I can find some people with the same problem to discuss with me this sickening problem. I am so glad I found you. You must be god send. Thank u so much , I now know how to handle my attacks. Thanks again.

  • michael clarke Reply

    This is first class so why not publish the course in book form n ot a download I’m sure a lot of people would be willing to pay,the advice is really that good,
    best wishes,

  • jen Reply

    You are truely God sent. Thank you so much for this information. I also find that prayer and meditation helps a lot

  • rafael Reply

    Thanks so much I went running this morning and i drive back home on the freeway when i drive i feel a panic attack and i control with a count down exercise and everething come normal after the exersice back home with a secure feeeling tks so much joe and god bless you.

    regards / rafael

  • pamela@2008 Reply

    thanks so much i am beging to feel alot better about my attacks when i lost my mum i thought i was the only one that had them was so scared at one point going to the shops but now bit by bit it seems my life is getting back on track and i can do more things with my son which makes me feel so good now and knowing my mum woul be so proud of me thank you

  • wolf Reply

    Thanks and thanks for years i have ben chased here and ther for help and refusing pills needles to say nohthing helpt till now thanks again send moore

  • Amy Reply

    This is all really starting to help me. Thank you so much.

  • Kwan Yue Meng Reply

    Thanks GOD for directing me to your Panic Away website. As I am beginning to experience general anxiety disorder especially FEAR of minor irritation of not being able to get out of the situation quickly.

    Just by reading the introduction to your Panic Away Programme I know god has already helped me. I am trying to practice replacing the fear in my sub-conciousness with LORD JESUS CHRIST, I KNOW YOU WILL TAKE AWAY MY FEAR AND ANXIETY. I HAVE CONFIDENT THAT YOU WILL TAKE CARE OF ME.

    Thanks Barry

  • Mario Reply

    Thanks alot man foreal it’s great that you offer your great advice for free also so foreal dogg thanks

  • Noreen Reply

    After a breasr cancer scare (benign) loss of my job after 12 years son wrote off my car husband after 33yrs got found out by me having an affair (not the only one apparantly) being an abused wife all these year s and all the other stuff life hands out to you and the biggest problem never saying no to any road to one I landed in hospital as my system crashed completely so much to the point I couldn’t even string 2 sensible words together which terrified me even more, I have experienced panic attacks before and decided that they were never ever gonna get me again. You people that are suffering at this moment my heart goes out to you as it is a long and hard road to travel but surround yourself with everything positive get rid I repeat get read of anything that is negative and talk about your condition you will be surprised how many are suffering you are not alone, as far as gratitude try giving a stranger a bit of gratitude each day or just a compliment you should see the smile it brings to both yours and their faces,Good luck it does get better X

  • maniola Reply

    thank you from the bottom of my have been the subject of my gratitude art lately.i have not left a reply before because i wanted to see my changes.I am better now and i am trying for more.I hope soon I will recover and never fall the victim of this devil.please send more messages to me.thank you my friend.

  • dennis salazar Reply

    thank you barry. I tried the “Bring it on” technique and it works with me. The hardest thing for me to do is HOW to block the anxiety from coming in because if it started to endulge me that is the bigger problem so I wanted even before it comes I want this anxiety to be blocked right away. It works with me well and I thank you very much for that, You don’t know how you’ved helped me. in my heart i truly thank you very very much. May God empowered you with good health and great power to help others too. You are a blessing to mankind. In filipino words MARAMING SALAMAT SA IYO…

  • fauzi Reply

    I thank u for your contribution of good idea that have worked on me ,thank alot .

  • Fausto Reply

    i have been addicted to Serenal, Diazepam, lorazepam and all the pam´s that exist for 5 or more years, i went to psichotherapist, psichologist and all the psich´s that exists. I learn Transcendental Meditation, Reiki, Do-in, NLP, i praise and praise to God ! (And i´m not a religious person) And yet my anxiety still there, till the point i went in depression, and start using Trazadone. But enough is enough. And i became sick of medical, or alternative therapy´s, so i start a while ago by my own, reducing the pill´s. (it´s hard, i went thinking, because the addiction, of the body and mind), But days ago a receive your invitation on youtube channel, i don´t know how (Maybe God exists, and sent your invitation), and i start to see your videos, next i submit my mail to your site, and start the mini-course, and for my suprise, i start to see the true reality, and quickly in the mail´s you sent, i understand, practice and feel a better relief since many years, so to finish, even the mini course may help, so i recomend to everyone this practice, and i would like to say THANK YOU AND MANY BLESSINGS, (and yes now i believe in God)

  • Amy Reply

    I accidentally found this website and realized there are sooo many people suffering the same thing like me. Thank you for your free newsletter and thanks for your share. I will practise the routine you taught me. Thank you again! 🙂

  • Moira Lang Reply

    Dear Barry

    Thank you so much. I found your first email very helpful since it reminded me that the last time I discovered doing the things I was afraid of (because it caused the anxiety) caused my heart rate to slow down and set me on the way to full recovery. I refuse to resort to drugs. This time my trigger was associated with lying in bed, so trying to avoid attacks was very tiring! So on your advice I went to bed and welcomed the attack which settled after 5 minutes. And since then I have been improving daily. Now it’s virtually all behind me.
    I’m a retired doctor (age 73) the worst kind of patient. Now I’m spreading the word about your website.A million thanks

  • Ruthie Reply

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your helpful emails and exercises you so freely have offered…I love all that I have experienced thus far…I can not at this time afford your course but by the grace of God, you have figured a way to help people as they suffer from all the tremendous anxiety and fear…I feel so blessed that I have found you and that your tecniques have helped so much….I felt so desparate and alone and now I know that many people suffer from the same things…..I love the water tip and the gratitude tip…Mind and heart connection..Everything is relative….Bring on the panic works well and the 20 second countdown too…I feel gratitude for you from the depts of my soul, God Bless You

  • christine Reply

    My gratitude will be to you next time I touch my heart….you are a special individual.
    I’m so grateful for your messages and exercises. Yours is the best e-mail everyday for me.
    I’ve even passed them to my mom, who has had this her whole life. She calls it her inner demon.
    I am in the medical field and I have NEVER had any doctor help and guide the way you have for anxiety.
    I’m still working thru it….keeping fingers crossed…its been a long journey!

  • Lynnette Reply

    I downloaded your wonderful scheme only 6 days ago and have left responding/leaving a comment until now for one reason only…I am so much better but I didn’t believe the effects of trusting and embracing would last longer than the euphoria I felt after reading your wise and helpful words. When I first stumbled across your website I was desperate to find some sort of help as I had that day experienced 2 full-blown panic attacks whilst driving and feared for my life. Previously i have had to stop driving and pull into a lay by and call the police (rescue services aren’t interested if it’s not the car which has broken down!!) to help me. Another time I called the 999 serives convinced I was about to expire (sounded so familiar when I read other people’s accounts of similar episodes) only to get the all-clear….which I didn’t believe and trawled the web to find alternative reasons for the episodes!! ( Sound familiar again?) My GP was very helpful, empathetic and put me on beta-blockers for short time (which helped) and advised relaxation, counselling, CBT and exercise. None of these prevented the 2 episodes which resulted in my desperately searching for an answer. Then….BINGO!!!! Panic Away appeared on my screen. It all made perfect sense….and still does….I use the Driving One Move technique every time I get in the car and so far I have managed to meet, embrace and diffuse episodes….miraculous in its simplicity….Alongside all of the good advice I use the Gratitude exercise every morning and focus on the good things which tangibly reduces my anxiety level.
    I can’t thank you enough for all of your help and my fellow ‘anxiety-processors’ for their comments. Also appreciate the daily e-mail contact. Next hurdle is to do a car journey of over an hour. I am confident that I can do it…….THANKS A MILLION!!!!!

  • omar Reply

    Thank you so much for the emails that pop us just in time! I have now figured out what my anxiety is a cause of. I’m finidn g it very very difficult to deal with my issue though and no doctors have been able to help. I wish there was someone or something that could just point me in the right direction. Until then, your technique has helped get me through this daily struggle I endure but still fight. Thanks again, no way i’m ever giving up on myself.

  • Shavonna Reply

    Thank you soo much for your helpful and relaxing techniques they’ve truly gotten me thru sum rough times. I don’t know where I will be if I hadnt read your articles. I truly appreciate your sincerity and I would continue to read about this and hopefully in the I will be a very happy person. thanx and God Bless

  • Katie Brandt Reply

    Tony Robbins said, “When you are grateful, fear disappears.” You hit it right on the head with this exercise – thanks Barry!

  • darshani dissanayake Reply

    Thank you so much for your emails.They are really helpful.I have to say one thing they make me a very happy person and they help me to live without any tension.Thanks a lot again and god bless you Barry

  • Mariena Reply

    Thankyou so much! I found your website by accident and you have helped me with my anxiety a lot. I did not want to be medicated so thankyou for all of your advise that doesn’t require taking tablets that temporarily block reality!!! Anxiety attacks are so horrible that I do not wish them upon anyone and you have been my saviour. Your free mini-lectures are so convenient as i am a poor university student. God bless you xoxo

  • Trish Reply

    I just tried this exercise to see if it would quiet my nervous stomach and tight chest, despite having taken my prescribed anti-anxiety med’s this morning. Once I focused on my “gratitude” & closed my eyes I could feel my stomach relax, felt my heart rate become more regular, breathing was easier, able to take deeper breathes, and the tightness in my chest greatly reduced! So simple… Thank you!!

  • Claudia Reply

    Hi I think that your info. will be part of my daily routine… I am still at the beginning but it sounds very interesting.. I’ll continue to follow your advice.. I need it. many thanks..

  • Nicole Magmess Reply

    I wanted to let you know what a Godsent it was for me to find your site! I had not has a panic attack in about ten years and just last week I awoke from one not being able to breathe or move. My body felt ice cold and my head was spasming and I wasn’t responding. So I made a trip to the emergency room where they ran a lot of tests on me and they claimed I had severe anxiety. I take 0.5 mg Lorazapam three times a day and I am getting tired of taking them. I learned here about gratitude and the power of positive thinking. isn’t it fun when we can do something nice for someone else and you feel really good in your heart? I want to keep giving to others because that is what is giving me the strength to be me. This is just an everyone here are such angels! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • voltaire Reply

    thank you so much SIR ! it is straight from my heart that you really bring back my true life !! the e-mails im receiving from my subscription are all true. then applied all of these to me ….thank you so much!!

  • Abdallah Reply

    I can definetly recall what Barry meant that true gratitude can truly leave a positive outlook. I recall several events that happend in my past where a misfortune struck me which I though would leave a major effect on my life but turned around that I was ok. I felt so thankful that I could feel the positive energy that made me happy. In order for this to work, the gratitude must come directly from your heart not your lips. Like barry said, “shift your mind to your heart” and you will truly forget your worries.

  • Elaine Reply

    Thank you for all the info you have sent me this week as a new person into the programme, I can relate to almost all of the testimonials on how GAD and anxiety panic attacks can cripple you. I hope to be Xanax free and back to being myself after 16years with your help. Thankyou Barry for your help so far.
    Regards Elaine

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Do you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks while shopping, driving or at work?